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    The purpose of the books of prime entry

    The details and descriptions of each transaction as well as its source document (if there are any) are typically included when an entry is made in the book of original entry. It is a grouping of all accounts related to customers to whom goods have been sold on credit by the business. It is used to record the accounts of credit customers (Trade Receivables) only.

    Those balances are provided in the subsidiary accounts receivable ledger. This book is used to record purchases on a daily basis and those purchases which are made on credit so we make purchase but we will be paying cash later. This is a book of original entry which is used to record information from the incoming invoice.

    Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single entry from a reference work in OR for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice). He currently owes $350 but was last seen buying aone-way ticket to Moscow. This round sum amount will be referred to as the ‘petty cash float’. The best way of dealing with petty cash is by means of an imprest system, which works as follows.

    This is the first step the buyer of goods undertake after ordering goods from the preferred seller(s). At this stage, the seller has already supplied the goods to the buyer and has sent an invoice thereafter. The invoice contains details similar to the ones in the local purchase order document which is a source document unless there were some discrepancies thereof which require some adjustments of the invoice amount.

    6 Petty Cash Book

    So these were many types of prime entry books used and their accounting and just to remind us those prime entry books they include a lot of details on the sales and purchase transactions which cannot be seen from the general ledger. It is a
    document that shows the date, amount and details of cash purchases and cash
    sales or other cash transactions. Business persons receive cash receipt for
    cash purchases and issue cash receipt for cash sales.

    • To avoid any problems, the transactions are initially documented in a prime entry book.
    • A credit note will be received by suppliers to show details of goods returned to them.
    • The cash book is a record of all the payments and receipts that come in and out of the business bank account, whether that is in the form of bank transfers, standing orders and direct debits.
    • It contains details such as the description of the goods, quantity
      returned and also their value.
    • Nominal accounts include all income and expenditure accounts in an income statement.

    Purchases book, also known as a purchases day book, is a book of original entries used to record credit purchases. You should be aware that cash purchases will not be recorded in the purchases day book since cash transactions must be recorded in the cash book. The sales diary, often known as the sales day book, is a unique journal designed to keep track of credit sales.

    Whereas the general journal captures any type of transaction, a special journal only captures a certain type of transaction. Referencing the source document could also help in tracking errors and discrepancies should there be any. That way, you have a handy document that you can consult whenever you want to view all of your business’s transactions. Whenever your business has a transaction that needs to be recorded, you enter them into your book(s) of original entry.

    Chapter 10: Books of prime entry and control accounts

    This is transaction that involves purchase or sale of goods in exchange with cash at a later date. In this case, the buyer is supplied with the goods but pays for them at a later date. Then obviously the counterparty in the same transaction (ie the seller) is receives the cash at a later date. We will consider both scenarios where the business of our concern has purchased and has sold on credit. This is issued by the bank to the trader each month showing cheques deposited and withdrawn during the month. The bank statement is used to reconcile any difference in the cash book of the business.

    Reference to the source document

    The general journal will then only be used for transactions that won’t be recorded in the special journals such as depreciation and amortization. However, for medium and large businesses that have higher volumes of transactions, special journals might be needed as to not overcrowd the general journal. Since a book of original entry such as a general journal is a chronological recording of all the business’s transactions, it won’t do if the transaction date is missing.

    Credit Transactions

    Books of prime entry OR books of original entry are books where transactions are first recorded. In a typical business there will be a great number of transactions to be recorded. If we were to record each transaction individually, straight into the accounts, they would get cluttered. When cash or cheque is deposited in bank, a form is
    to be filled by a customer and submitted to the banker along with cash or
    cheque. The main part of this
    will be retained by the bank and the counterfoil duly stamped and signed by the
    banker is returned to the customer.

    In the illustration that follows, it is Our Co. ltd which prepares the purchases day book or journal. It should also be noted that, in level one of this tutorial series, we considered purchase of goods from only one seller. In level two tutorial series, we further consider a case where by the buyer has bought goods from several suppliers hence he/she has received invoices (incoming) from each seller. Therefore, the following is a demonstration of the link between the respective source document and the book of original entry that is prepared after a certain period of time. The purchases day book is used to keep track of all purchase invoices for the company’s goods and services that are provided on credit. In today’s corporate world, a significant share of purchases is done on credit (the items are delivered immediately, but the payment is made later).

    What is a book of Original Entry?

    Nominal accounts are always temporary accounts as they only last for an accounting period. At the end of the financial year, the balances of nominal accounts are transferred to the income statement. In the old days, individual books were maintained as a summary of each of the key types of financial records and were also referred to as the books of original entry. Although computers take care of recording this information for us now, the concept is still the same, it’s just entered onto a screen instead. Entries must also be made to Monet, Gogh and Picasso’s individualaccounts in the accounts receivable ledger in order to reflect thepayments received and discounts allowed. Unlike the general journal in which transactions are recorded in the form of double entries, transactions recorded in a special journal are usually in the form of single entries.

    A customer may return goods to the trader if it is found to be damaged or of wrong order. A credit note is a document issued to customers showing full details of goods returned by them. Depending on the size of the business, each of the six books will need to be updated on a regular basis. For really large businesses a person or team may be assigned to one book in particular. For example the purchase day book may be updated by a purchase ledger team whose job it is to record every invoices that is issued to the business.

